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The Foundation

A number of affiliated institutions, primarily based at the Foundation’s headquarters in Cologne or in Berlin, have been charged with preserving the founder’s Nachlass, including any and all documents relating to his life, work, and legacy, as well as his collections. Most holdings have been well catalogued in line with current standards of scholarship.


In accordance with Oppenheim’s wishes, the Foundation maintained excavations in the vicinity of Tell Halaf after World War II. Simultaneously, the Foundation supported other related archaeological projects. In 2011, with the outbreak of the civil war in Syria, such undertakings ceased for the foreseeable future.

Archive and Collections of the Foundation

Das Schrift- und Sammlungsgut aus dem Nachlass des Stifters wird von Partnerinstitutionen verwahrt, von denen die meisten am Stiftungssitz Köln und in Berlin ansässig sind. Der größte Teil ist wissenschaftlich gut erschlossen.


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